General info

Biodiversity elements
Landscape: sea, cliffs, gorges, plateau, riverbeds, peaks
Wildflora: cliff plants, endemic plant taxa, medical plants, edible plants, aromatic plants
Forests: black pine, Greek fir, Syrian juniper, chestnut, oaks, walnuts
Phyrgana, Maquis
Monumental trees
Fresh water courses: streams
Cultivated and local plants: olive grooves, carrot grooves, eggplant
Wetland: reedbeds, waterfowls, waders, fish, turtles, amphibians
Wild animals: birds of pray, lesser kestrels, buzzards, snake eagle, raven

Economic elements
Traditional agro-forestry systems
Bees and honey
Chestnuts and other fruit
Livestock farming
Agriculture: local products, small scale agriculture, intensive agriculture, olive trees, carob trees, almond trees
Tourism: taverns, cuisine, cultural and religious tourism

Cultural elements
Churches, monasteries, traditional architecture, stone walls, terraces, threshing floors, art, ceramics and textiles, language and dialect

Stakeholders and group of interest
Livestock: using trees for fodder, communal rangeland and private land owners
Crops: greenhouse, traditional (bees, fish farming)
Collectors of natural products: herbs, forestry
Other users of forests and nature: hunters, recreation and education users

Authorities (official): Forest service, Management Authority of Parnon Ecological Park, development Company, Municipality, Prefecture
Unofficial bodies: Agricultural cooperatives and producers groups, NGO ( national, local)
Owners of the land: monasteries, shop owners, suppliers
Visitors: local, national, abroad

Investors and other economic drivers: energy investors (solar panels, wind farms),local communities,small-scale industry

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